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  • Ekansh Agarwal

Blood is Thicker than Water

It is often said that eventually a bird must leave its nest. However, does this mean that it should leave its nest and neglect the very family in which it was brought up? Just to pursue a life of its own is it right to forsake our home and parents? In today’s world it is a deep, dark and hidden truth; the underbelly of the world encases the sufferings of millions of old parents. The hardships of retired and aged people are simply swept underneath the rug of people’s ambition and carelessness.

Why this social issue is in fact unknown to almost a huge number of the world’s population. A great many aged parents have suffered due to the negligence of their children; the same children who they have brought up with immense love and care have now left them helpless as they go on to pursue their dreams. Such parents are either left at home or given to old aged homes. The rays of joy that once illuminated their life with a spectrum of emotions are no more.

A teacher from our school had visited an old age home and she conversed with an elderly woman. Her son was a doctor and a successful man. However, on being asked more about her family the woman struggled to remember and fumbled an answer. Her memory of being visited by her family was also very faint. This shows us how terribly the lives of aged parents are affected due to selfishness on our part. During the infamous Covid-19 pandemic a number of such people lost their lives because of being left alone in their homes. Imagine being too weak to walk and having no one around to support you. Imagine having to see a structure of our own being broken down right in front of our very eyes. That is exactly how the lonely parents felt.

Our parents have nurtured us immensely and it is our right to give them back the same kindness that we have received from them. While it may appear to be a barrier in our busy schedules we must not forget that they had also taken out time from their busy lives to help us grow as a child. Come what may, we must not forget that they are our parents. Apart from just returning what they have done to us it will also give us immense pleasure to spend time with them. Indeed it is rightly said that 'Blood is thicker than Water.'

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