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  • Writer's pictureSHAARANG KSHIRSAGAR


In the current age of the pandemic, it is very difficult to maintain a healthy diet for us teenagers as we constantly get cravings or urges to eat tempting food .One of the reasons these cravings arise is the lack of physical exercise and to curb our cravings we unknowingly stuff our mouths with junk food.

Teen obesity is a rising concern in urban India and the root cause is high consumption of fast food and aerated drinks.

Sometimes cavities due to not brushing teeth and weak bones due to elimination of calcium in teens diet are not rare in the teens of the current age .Sparse consumption of vegetables and fruits can give birth to hundreds of diseases.Vegetables and fruits should be consumed every meal in a fixed proportion to keep away all the deficiencies and diseases.

If the 3 R’s



MOVE RIGHT(GETTING OUT OF THE HOUSE AND ENGAGE IN PHYSICAL SPORTS ) are followed , a teen can lead a healthy life !

Eating out once or twice in a month is ok , but if you have fast food cravings daily instead of ordering the food from outside you should make it yourself. Cooking food ourselves gives a sense of understanding about all the effort which goes behind making a single dish and it also gives a sense of pride when someone compliments it. A healthy diet and physical activities can eliminate lethargy and make us more productive and reduce the chances of diabetes, child obesity and strokes . Following a healthy diet along with exercise is very important for a teenagers mental and physical growth.

I hope you get some inspiration from this article and lead a healthy diet from now on.

keep healthy-frying.

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