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  • Aarya Vernakar

Power of Time

They say that time can heal everything. Well, whoever said that was absolutely right. My school days were always rough as a student of Indian origin in the states. I was teased for my looks and my culture. I was called out for dark skin, deep brown eyes and jet black hair; features that differentiated from the others who had green/blue eyes, blonde hair and pale white skin. Even my own fellow Indians were brainwashed by excessive bullying they themselves had undergone and now were supporting their teasing. Being a straight-A student was also one of the traits that was not appreciated by others, from being called a nerd to a scaredy cat everything affected my gentle and delicate brain.

I started hating my culture, colours, food and myself for who I was. I had made countless attempts to try to fit by bringing changes into my appearance but nothing worked out. Even though I ran away from the fact that I was not Indian, no one could remove India out of me.

I still got excited during Diwali, I still loved wearing sarees and I still loved the smell of coconut curry. After decades of illusion and denial I accepted who I was and I should be proud over a period of time. Cutting out negativity and not letting you affect by the demoralising remarks is a work of art that takes time to master. I was bullied for being a straight-A which helped me to become the woman I am now: a doctor. I am helping others in need so they do not go through what I went through and put an end to the cycle that will affect many more Indians like me.

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