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  • Pahel Gholani

Proper Sanitation - The Need of Developing India

"Cleanliness and sanitation were closest to Gandhiji's heart. We will launch a clean India campaign and by Gandhiji's 200th birth anniversary, all schools in the country should have separate toilets for girls and boys. "

- Narendra Modi

India is the second most populated country in the world, thus it needs to have proper amenities for all its citizens. Overpopulation and costly standards of living have led to migrants living in congested areas without hygienic living conditions. One of the major problems in a developing country like India is proper sanitation. According to WHO (World Health Organisation), India has the highest rate of open defecation in Asia, which is one of the factors stopping India from being declared a developed country. Access to clean drinking water and good sanitation is vital for a family's well-being.

Once, while travelling by train I was horrified to see the unhygienic condition of the restrooms. We as citizens of India should make sure to keep restrooms clean and hygienic. Another shocking fact that has been reported is that approximately 400 children die every day due to diarrhea which is caused due to improper sanitation. This just reinforces my belief that every house should have a proper and clean toilet. In many slums and congested areas, one restroom is shared by at least 50 people.

There is no proper drainage system in most of the rural areas in India. Plus, some of the drains are not covered which gives out foul odors, also becoming a breeding place for mosquitoes and houseflies. If we want the rate of illnesses and diseases in India to reduce, we must alert the Municipality on cases of any open drains or improper drainage. We can maintain social hygiene by keeping toilets clean, not littering on the roadways, making sure that we have proper drainage systems in our houses and buildings, etc. Thus, it is crucial to maintain proper sanitation and keep yourselves and others healthy.


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