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  • Yukta Mirke

Switched Time

It was a windy and quiet day. Emerson had been sitting at the shop the whole day. Not one customer had arrived yet. Emerson just lost hope and laid his head on the counter. His mind wandering around too much made him queasy. Within no time he was in deep sleep. After a few hours when he woke up he saw something miraculous. His shop was totally changed. The walls were made up of rocks and the roof was made up of hay. The room was small and there were no windows but only one door. The table he was sleeping on had turned into a huge rock. He was bewildered and wondered how, as all he did was just stand there all around.

When he came out of the hut he was speechless. There were towering mountains, imperial pyramids, people pulling giant blocks and the sphinx. IT WAS THE EGYPTIAN PERIOD!!. He stood there dumbfounded not knowing what had just happened. He kept walking forward gazing at the enormous pyramids until someone pulled his arm and said, “ Why are you late? Did you oversleep?”

It was another man who looked like someone who has been working in the sun for hours. Without knowing what he was talking about he just nodded to what he said.

“Who are you again?”asked Emerson while shuttering. “Zanfer, why?” “No-nothing.” Zanfer took Emerson to a half made pyramid. “I know you have just started working a few days ago but dont keep forgetting your coworker’s name”, he said and left.

The pyramid had stairs around it where the workers took the hefty blocks to the top. It was square at the base and they dug post holes at regular intervals along the base outline and laid out the site in a grid. Then, labourers excavated and leveled the foundation. The pyramid was being perfectly built in a triangular shape. It was the same way he had learnt about them. The worker who brought him to the working place gave him a cloth and told him to start his work. Emerson was standing in front of a bulky block and was very confused. He made Emerson stand in position with the others who were to pull the block by the rope. When he had to pull the rope from ahead he kept sweating and his legs started shaking. He couldn't hold it anymore and fell down on his knees when he got thwacked on his back with a bull rope and he started whimpering in pain. It was the leaders who were hitting them and making them work.

Luckily later Emerson lied about going to the washroom and took this opportunity to run from there. There were others who were working hard on the monument, granaries and here carrying animals. There were some people passing by who had kohl on their eyes and wore heavy jewellery, and were ordering people to do their work. Maybe they were the upper class people he had heard about. He was looking around while his eyes fell on the pyramid that was almost built. There when he went up the stairs he tried to see what was inside,but before he could go inside he was pulled back by some upperclassmen fellow. “What are you doing here? Get back to work!!”. Emerson had no other choice than to run away from those people.

He ran down those stairs and bashed into some people. When he was down he tried to hide in a place where no one could be seen. He sneakily tried to climb the stairs again and went inside

through a small hole in the pyramid. He fell on his back when he came inside. Emerson was mesmerized and what he saw was something he would never forget in his life.

It was a colossal tomb where the mummy was kept inside. There were massive statues of soldiers made. There were stairs going towards the base. When he went in he saw the whole room was filled with jewelry, diamonds, gold statues, and a gold table. There were many inscriptions written on a wall in the Egyptian language. He took some jewelry with him tried to get out of the pyramid when someone spoke from behind. Emerson turned around and saw no one.

That's when the Anubis statue spoke. Emerson was taken back to seeing a statue speak. “Who are you? And how dare you steal the gold from the queen!! You shall be cursed. Emerson ran away with his gold in his hand but all the gold started to turn into sand and it slipped through his fingers. Emerson was in total shock and could barely comprehend what had happened and suddenly he was about to be attacked by the statue when he was pulled by someone.

Which is when he woke up and saw his surroundings. He was back at his old shop. He sighed in relief knowing that it was all just a dream. He checked his hands again checking if he still had those gold jewelry, to his dismay he had nothing. Emerson again put his head down on the table, until he heard a knock on the door. It was a customer after a long time. Emerson stood up and greeted him but was soon to be stunned. He was speechless, his eyes almost popped out of their sockets as he held his breath.

It was his so-called co-worker Zanfer.

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