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Shayon Roy

The Echo of the Stars

On a warm evening, Maya sat on the roof of her house, gazing at the stars. She was always fascinated by the endless sky, filled with distant galaxies and possibilities. But tonight, the stars felt closer, almost like they were whispering to her, calling her. Maya had just turned 15, and life seemed to be speeding up in ways she couldn’t control. School was getting harder, friends were becoming more distant, and the pressure to figure out her future weighed heavily on her mind.

“What if I’m not enough?” she whispered to herself.

As if in response, a single shooting star streaked across the sky, leaving behind a trail of light. Maya’s eyes followed its path, but then something unusual happened. The star didn’t disappear into the night; it slowed down and stopped, hanging in the sky like a glowing beacon. Intrigued, Maya rubbed her eyes, wondering if it was just her imagination. But it stayed, shining brighter, as if waiting for her.

Without thinking, she stood up and reached her hand towards the glowing star. To her amazement, the light flickered and pulsed, and before she knew it, she was no longer on her rooftop. She was floating in space, surrounded by shimmering stars, planets, and constellations that seemed to move and dance around her.

“Where am I?” she asked, her voice echoing in the vastness.

“You’re where you always wanted to be,” said a soft, melodic voice. Maya turned to see a figure made entirely of starlight standing beside her. The figure’s eyes twinkled with kindness, and its presence felt oddly familiar, like meeting an old friend.

“Who are you?” Maya asked.

“I’m the Echo,” the figure said. “I reflect the deepest thoughts and fears of those who seek me.”

Maya blinked in confusion. “I didn’t seek you. I don’t even know why I’m here.”

The Echo smiled. “Your heart did. You’ve been feeling lost, overwhelmed by expectations. You’re afraid you won’t live up to what the world wants from you.”

Maya’s throat tightened. She had never said it out loud, but the Echo had voiced her deepest fear. “I’m just… I’m afraid I’ll fail,” she admitted softly.

The Echo nodded. “Everyone feels that way at some point, Maya. But the stars above don’t shine because they’re perfect; they shine because they burn, because they are full of energy and passion. You don’t need to be flawless to shine.”

Maya looked around at the stars, each one unique, burning in its own way. It was as if the universe was telling her that her imperfections were part of what made her special.

“So, what should I do?” Maya asked.

“Trust in yourself,” the Echo said gently. “You have the strength to light up your own path, but only if you stop comparing yourself to others. Be your own star, and you’ll find your way.”

The next moment, Maya was back on her rooftop, the cool night breeze brushing against her face. The shooting star had disappeared, but something inside her had shifted. She wasn’t afraid anymore. She understood now that she didn’t need to have everything figured out. She just needed to keep moving forward, one step at a time, burning with her own light.

Maya smiled, looking up at the sky once more. The stars twinkled back, as if they knew a secret, one she had just begun to uncover.

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