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  • Writer's pictureThe AVM Theory

The Gold issue

Did you know Silver often has more practical uses than Gold does in our lives? The evolution of many new industries has already started paving the path for even more potential uses of Silver. This article, however, is not a debate on whether silver is better than gold or either of their prices today. 

This is about a struggle everyone goes through in each waking moment and every milestone of their life. The second man to walk on the moon was Buzz Aldrin, he walked not even 20 minutes after Neil Armstrong but only a handful remember him. He was part of a monumental accomplishment, humans walking on the moon. Just imagine the magnitude of that achievement and yet we forget him. Society as a whole does that to everyone everyday ,a child getting 95 with a friend or a sibling having gotten 97 is often berated and dismissed with a “You can do better, look at _____ and learn”. An athlete getting a silver or bronze medal is ignored and judged simply because it was not their day and someone else won gold. The hardest workers are told they are not good enough because their work does not match someone’s taste. 

Today’s society places too much emphasis on winning ,perfection and that 100/100,neglecting the blood,sweat and tears that many put into their goals, not reaching them only because of a slight stumble.Society fosters an innate complex in a people,a parasitic fear of never being good enough and of failing.When society’s idea of failing is not being perfect.

Excellence should always be strived for but perfection is something that does not exist because the concept of perfect changes each millisecond. 

No longer should we only celebrate the gold medal,the first place .We should also congratulate everyone else.No longer should we ignore the sincere efforts or scorn the silver medal.We should be 

respecting and admiring every single person who genuinely tried. Else we will be left with a slew of burnt out individuals with no reason to try again. 

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