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  • Kanishk Gupta

The multitude of multiverses and existence of parallel universes

Cosmology is the study of the universe as a whole and how it has evolved over millions of years. From Galileo to Sir Isaac Newton, we know that there is nothing random about the laws of our great universe. However, it is Einstein’s theory of relativity in space and time that planted the seedling of the existence of parallel universes.

As per quantum mechanics a parallel universe is defined as an undetectable universe that exists alongside our own. Theories such as String theory and Superstring theory along with space-time relativity have given evidence that our universe may be one of many. When Einstein came up with the equation, E=mc2, it implied that when a tiny amount of matter multiplied by the square of the speed of light turns into energy ‘E’. Now, when we introduce gravity into this picture, the general theory of relativity becomes the foundation of cosmology and the parallel universe. Einstein assumed that if there is gravity then there is antigravity that pushes the cosmos apart. This in turn creates a dark energy which potentially forms the expanded parallel universe. Collectively these parallel universes are called multiverses.

Cosmologists have researched for a very long time on the topic of parallel universes and their reemergence into a new big bang known as the oscillating universe. The universe is open in both space and time hence making cosmology a thriller where we still don’t know if an ant crawling on the surface of our universe has its avatar in the multitude of multiverses. Multiple movies have adopted this concept such as Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness, Doctor Who, Loki, Star Trek, etc. As modern physicists say that this is our choice whether we believe or not the future is here!!

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