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  • Writer's pictureAaditya Shetty

The Spy:

“Are you sure it can be done? Without anyone noticing?” “You can be assured that I can find the information without raising suspicion.” “That is good to know. If you need anything, contact Veera. He will provide you with all the tools that can help you.” “Thank you, Chanakya. I will not fail you.” I walked out of Chanakya’s war room. Unlike an emperor’s war room, this room was made for secret missions. It was a place that only a few people knew about. Only Chanakya, the Emperor, and the most loyal spies. I was one of these spies. My mission was to infiltrate a nearby barbarian camp and retrieve information about any possible attack on the Empire. It was a dangerous mission because the Emperor would not send a rescue party if I was caught. And the stories you hear about the barbarians. It filled me with dread just thinking about my fate if I were to be caught.

Shaking my head, I walked towards the armourer’s room. Veera, the royal armourer and blacksmith, was one of the best in the land. He made the weapons and armour for the royal guards and soldiers. Not many people knew that he also worked for Chanakya and made special tools for us spies that would assist us when we were on duty. As I entered the room, the well-built Veera flashed me a welcoming smile. “Ah, our special man! I hear you are infiltrating the nearby Black-Blade Barbarian camp. I have just the tools for you.” He pulled out a neatly folded stack of clothes, an iron hook and a few strange-looking leather orbs. I immediately understood what the first two were. “Hmm. A Black Blade disguise and a grappling hook. The disguise can keep me hidden and the hook can help me climb up the mountain to reach the Barbarian camp on top. But what are these leather orbs?” “Clever spy. You are right about the first two. But looks like my sleep smoke confused you. These leather pouches are filled with a special mixture of herbs. You can ignite the herbs and throw or place the pouch near your target to make them go to sleep. They will wake up after a long time. Just mind the way the wind blows. You may accidentally breathe in the fumes yourself. That can be problematic. If you cannot ignite the herbs, you can take some of them and add them to enemy drink, food or even apply them to any part of their exposed skin. Just make sure that your hands are covered when holding the herbs. Otherwise, you will fall asleep. And don’t worry about the hook. It will hold your weight.” “Thank you, Veera. This will be very helpful.” “May the gods help you, my friend. Bring glory to the Empire.” I took my tools and disguise and left the room. With the permission of Chanakya and the Emperor, I left to complete my mission.

I took a walk around the base of the mountain on which the enemy camp was set to check for the most unguarded route up and into the camp. After my analysis, I concluded that the Western side was the easiest access point. Now, all that I had to do was to wait for nightfall to make my move.

As night’s darkness descended on the gentle plains around the mountain, I moved towards the west side and prepared to climb. It was not easy. I threw my hook upwards and it caught a tree branch. I tugged on it to make sure it was sturdy enough. Once I felt it would be safe to climb, I started my ascent. As I was about halfway up to the branch, the branch started to bend under my weight. I started pulling myself upwards faster and nearly reached the branch when it snapped. Fear spread through my body, but then the adrenaline kicked and I stabbed the rock face with the iron hook. Holding on to it for dear life, I caught my breath and relaxed. Then, with a steady mind and firm hand, I started climbing up again to the place where I fell from. I was still holding on to the hook and I looked around. I saw a few ledges I could grab to climb up. I carefully made my way over to them and slowly climbed up, using my hook for assistance. This slow method helped me reach the top. Night’s shadow was waning, but it was dark enough for me to slip into the camp unseen. Now, I just had to find the war plans and bring them to the King.

I climbed onto the roof of one of the Barbarian tents to survey the camp. The leaders of the Barbarian camps always wore a red feather hat. I looked around and there I saw it. A red feather, moving with the breeze like a flaming ember in the wind. These leaders had war plans in their rooms. I got down from the roof and made my way towards the leader’s tent. I did not speak the barbarian language, so I decided not to interact with any of the men I saw on the way. Sneaking through and hiding in plain sight, I made it to the leader’s tent. He was polishing his blade. There was a cup of what looked like water next to him. Very dirty, green water. I thought it was alcohol. I pulled out the herb sack and tossed some into the drink from afar. Luckily, the leader thought it was just some dust.

He picked up his cup and drank. Then he muttered something in his language. “How is he not asleep yet?” I thought. And that is when his words started slurring and he was out cold. I moved towards him and searched his body for anything important. I found a few scraps of paper with some writing on them, but nothing else I found was important. I dragged his heavy body to his personal quarters, where nobody would find him. I had infiltrated barbarian camps for information before and I knew that nobody entered the leader’s room without permission. After hiding the body, I made my way to the war table and took all the plans I could find. Plans retrieved. Now I just had to escape.

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Arin Nitin Chandurkar
Arin Nitin Chandurkar
Aug 11, 2021

Critical Appreciation- This story is the best on the site. The introduction of the characters, there association with the plot, the hook created in the beginning and the way it reaches the peak was simply rare, exceptional and phenomenal. The best vocabulary that any guy would have on this site is this man. Upvoteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Aaditya Shetty
Aaditya Shetty
Aug 11, 2021
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Thank you so much!


Revolution Gamer
Revolution Gamer
Mar 19, 2021

Felt like something right out of Assassin's Creed.


Revolution Gamer
Revolution Gamer
Mar 19, 2021

Very nice!👍

Aaditya Shetty
Aaditya Shetty
Mar 19, 2021
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Thank you!

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