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Kayaan Shah

The state of roads in Mumbai

Mumbai is a bustling city known for its history in films, it is the home of Bollywood and therefore known as the “film city” of India. It has always managed to upkeep its famous reputation and is often visited by many foreigners. Although, the current state of Mumbai roads are depleting. Many roads have potholes which are a menace to Indians as no matter what speed they may be going, the potholes will damage the car and also frustrate the drivers. Many roads have uneven surfaces that occur when potholes are overfilled with concrete. Not only the drivers but also the vehicles suffer driving on these roads. Not only potholes and uneven surfaces, but drainage is also a problem for the roads, there are many roads with no drainage so during heavy rains there is a lot of water logging.

There are many causes for this, with some roads being dug up almost every two years. The roads are built so that they can be broken after some time in case of drainage or cables to be constructed. The long traffics of Mumbai also affect the roads but traffic is a never ending factor in Mumbai. The roads are asphalt roads and not concrete which should be the main cause but the little awareness of the government about the state of the roads, improper supervision and bad quality of work are looking to be the main cause of the poor roads in Mumbai.

Although BMC have been working hard as fifty percent of Mumbai roads are now concrete and bituminous roads have been said to be working very well.

We as citizens of Mumbai can help for the improvement of the roads in Mumbai by spreading awareness of the potholes, waterlogging, uneven surfaces and the damage to the vehicles we drive and express our frustrations to the government. They will surely listen to us and improve these roads, provide proper supervision and improve the quality of the work.

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