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  • Smit Shah

The Tale of a Tree

In an Indian village, a boy named Raju resided, renowned for his inquisitiveness and his tendency to pose numerous questions. During a play session in the fields, Raju spotted a massive banyan tree. The tree's robust branches offered shelter to all passersby, and birds constructed their homes in its foliage.

Inquisitive as always, Raju inquired of the elderly gentleman seated beneath the sprawling tree, "Sir, what makes this tree so large and sturdy? And why do people seek shelter under it?" The elderly gentleman grinned and replied, "Allow me to share a tale with you, Raju." "Once upon a time, this banyan tree was merely a small sapling. It encountered numerous storms, fierce winds, and unforgiving summers. Other plants lamented the harsh weather and gave up. However, this tree remained steadfast. It extended its roots deep into the soil, drawing strength from the earth. It refrained from complaining or avoiding challenges. Instead, it gleaned lessons from them. Now, it stands tall and resilient, offering shade to all who visit it."

Raju pondered for a moment before inquiring, "So, did the tree gain strength because it encountered challenges?"The old man responded, "Yes, just like the tree, life will present you with obstacles. You have the choice to give up, or you can confront them with patience and become stronger. The more you learn to stand firm during difficult times, the stronger you will become. And similar to this banyan tree, one day you may become a source of strength for others."Raju smiled and sat down under the tree, feeling its cool shade. He realized that life’s difficulties weren’t meant to stop him but to help him grow. From that day on, whenever he faced a challenge, Raju remembered the wise banyan tree and stood tall, knowing that each struggle was making him stronger. Strength comes not from avoiding difficulties but from facing them with courage and patience.

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