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  • Zahra Kanorwala

Twists and Turns (Part 2)

“Oh my god how did you even get in here?”, Mariana asked Zac in an arrogant tone.

“I am... I don....”, Zac tried to say

“God you can't even speak! I suppose its for the best. Stay here, and keep silent.”, said Mariana in a cold tone.

Mariana left, dragging the attacker by his ankles while complaining about how the school had lowered its standards.

She returned an hour later.

"Are you really still here? Everyone is up and about. The teachers are investigating the matter. Funny how you show up and suddenly we have problems. Who are you? Speak!", she said.

“Fine! My name is Zac Thomas Ripley. I love reading books and some days ago I was suddenly

admitted to this school and here I am now.”

“I know that! However, nobody and nobody gets here into this academy unless they have a special skill

unless you fit the criteria of a .....”

“A what?”

“I need to confirm my suspicion first by checking your file, which is in the locker so I guess our only option. To access the online file.”

“And how exactly are we going to do that?”

“Isn’t it obvious? By hacking into the school mail! Just one problem. We will have to break into

the principal's office for the passcode. He will have gone for the meeting for the council

members and will be returning in exactly 7 minutes, so we need to hurry. Hustle up!

“Oh ok! I have never really been one to go against the rules....”

“Rule no.1 in spy school is that there are no rules. Now don’t waste time talking! Only six minutes left!”

Zac followed her into a long, dark corridor, passing offices with open doors, and bathrooms for

ladies and men. At the end of the corridor he saw in bold letters “The Principal's office”,wrongly

spelled. Mariana knew the passcode to the office and the principal’s laptop and

found the code. Just as they were about to go out the door creaked open and the principal

entered. Mariana covered Zac’s face and pulled him to the side. He started breathing unevenly.

Luck was thankfully on their side that day and the principal seemed as though he had forgotten

something and receding footsteps were heard. They hurried down the corridors.

Panting, they reached the dormitory.They were astonished to see Mike, Charles and Zoe

standing at the door.

“Where were you?”, asked Mike

“If you do not tell us where you crept in the middle of night,we will complain to Professor Stanton!”, said Charles in a warning tone.

Professor Stanton was supposed to be the strictest teacher in the school.

“Ugh! Fine.”, Mariana quickly made up a story, saying that they were hungry and crep up to the kitchen to sneak some food and showed them a croissant from her pocket.

“I don't believe you yet”, said Zoe but dismissed the topic.

“Good night everyone!”, said Zac

Thoughts flooded the mind of Zac but overwhelmed, he fell into a deep slumber.

Early in the morning, he heard someone creep into his room. He woke up startled.

“It's me!”, said Mariana

“What are you doing here?”, said Zac in a drowsy voice.

“We need to hack into the school files to know the truth!”

“Are you a machine? Seriously, don't you need any sleep?!”

“Come along now! This is the best time! Everybody will be sleeping and Zoe already suspects us!”

We reached the computer lab and Mariana started typing something swiftly.She removed the sheet of crumpled paper where she had written the password and hacked into the file.

“My hunch was correct. You were a bait.”, she said triumphantly.

“Why me?!”, Zac said gobsmacked.

“See, you are a good swimmer, you always wear your grandfather's watch, you are a scuba diver and have an interest in espionage and therefore you fit the category.”

Suddenly the lights went out and he blacked out.That is the last thing he remembered.

When he opened his eyes he saw Mariana sitting opposite him tied and he could hear

seagulls. Realization dawned on him.They had been kidnapped and nobody could save him

Here! They were inside a transport container in a cargo ship. “Mariana?”, he called out in a

worrisome tone.


“We have been kidnapped!”

“Oh! I did not know that. What would I have done without your skilled powers of observation?”, she said in a sarcastic tone.

Last part to be continued.....

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