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  • Anika Punjabi

Understanding Empathy

Leela was born alone, with no one to call her own. Growing up in foster care was difficult. Family to family she'd travelled all around the city but she never truly fit in anywhere. At night she would pray that someone out there wanted her to be their daughter.

It was a Monday evening when she had watched her best friend leave through those large silver gates. Maya was going to her new family and was beaming from ear to ear. Leela had kissed her goodbye yet her heart was led. Tears, like water on the pavement pooled under her eyes. It felt like the stars were the only constant in her life. That night, sleep danced in front of her yet she refused to let it take control.

The next morning, she walked to the breakfast table. Sitting down she noticed that two girls had joined her. Slowly a few more people asked if they could sit with her. With slight confusion, she wondered why these people wanted to join her. They then explained that they understood her pain. They had all been through something similar in the past. That day Leela made many new friends and never felt alone again.

There are rare people who will show up at the right time, help you through the hard times and stay into your best times...those are the keepers"

-Nausicaa Twila

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